My 33.128 Notes
4.2 Basic principles for internal interfaces
This grid lists internal interfaces associated to identity mapping and indicates the protocol used to realize each interface, and gives a reference to the relevant clauses of the 3GPP TS 33.128 V18.0.0 (2022-06) document that specify how the protocol is to be used for the given interface.
Interface | Description | Protocol used to realize interface | Usage |
LI_ADMF | Used to pass intercept provisioning information form the LICF to the LIPF. | Out of scope of the V18.0.0 document. | |
LI_IQF | Used to pass information related to IEFs and ICF to IQF. | Out of scope of the V18.0.0 document. | |
LI_XEM1 | Used by the LICF/LIPF to manage IEFs and ICF. | ETSI TS 103 221-1 | See clause 5.2.7 |
LI_XER | Used to pass identifier association event records from IEFs to ICF. | See Clause 5.9 | See Clause 5.9 |
LI_XQR | Used to pass queries from IQF to ICF and responses from ICF to IQF. | ETSI TS 103 221-1 | See Clause 5.8 |
4.3 Basic principles for external handover interfaces
This grid lists the external handover interfaces (HI) associated to identity mapping shown in clause 4.1, indicates the protocol used to realize each interface, and gives a reference to the relevant clauses of the present document that specify how the protocol is to be used for the given interface.
Interface | Description | Protocol used to realize interface | Usage |
LI_HI1 | Used to send warrant and other interception request information from LEA to operator. | ETSI TS 103 120 shall be supported. Other methods (e.g. manual exchange) may be used depending on national regulatory requirements. | See clause 5.4 |
LI_HIQR | Used to send warrant and other identifier association query information from LEA to CSP and used by the CSP to send query responses to the LEA. | ETSI TS 103 120 shall be supported. | See clause 5.7 |
5.2 Protocols for LI_X1 and LI_T interfaces
5.2.7 Usage for realising LI_XEM1
The IEF shall be enabled by sending the following ActivateTask message from the LIPF.
The IdentityAssociationTargetIdentifier
Identifier Type is defined for the use of LI_XEM1. Unless otherwise specified, use of any other Target Identifier Type (including adding a target identifier more than once) shall result in the ActivateTask message being rejected with the appropriate error.
The IEF may be reconfigured to send identity associations to a different ICF using a ModifyTask message to modify the delivery destinations.
The IEF shall be disabled by sending the following DeactivateTask message from the LIPF.
The LIPF should send one ActivateTask command to each IEF.
- NOTE: The IEF may receive multiple ActivateTask messages conforming to LI_XEM1 ActivateTask, each of which can be independently deactivated. The IEF shall remain active as long as at least one valid Task remains active.
5.7 Protocols for LI_HIQR
5.7.1 General
Functions having an LI_HIQR interface shall support the use of ETSI TS 103 120 to realise the interface.
In the event of a conflict between ETSI TS 103 120 and 33.128 document, the terms of 33.128 document shall apply.
- NOTE: The terms identifier and identity are used interchangeably in clause 5.7.
5.7.2 Usage for realising LI_HIQR Request structure
LI_HIQR requests are represented by issuing a CREATE request for an LDTaskObject (see ETSI TS 103 120 clause 8.3). See spec for how LDTaskObject is populated. Request parameters
The RequestValues field, a field within RequestDetails structure of LI_HIQR LDTaskObject, shall contain one of the following:
- SUPI, given in either SUPIIMSI or SUPINAI formats as defined in ETSI TS 103 120 clause C.2.
- SUCI, given as defined in grid below (table 5.7.2-4 in spec)
- 5G-S-TMSI, given as defined in grid below (table 5.7.2-4 in spec)
- 5G-GUTI, given as defined in grid below (table 5.7.2-4 in spec)
If the RequestType is "OngoingIdentityAssociation" (see table 5.7.2-3 in spec), SUPI is the only valid identity type in the RequestValues field. If the RequestType is "OngoingIdentityAssociation" and any other identity type is provided, the IQF shall signal the error by setting the LDTaskObject Status to "Invalid" (see ETSI TS 103 120 clause 8.3.3).
If a temporary identity is provided, the following shall also be present as RequestValues:
- NRCellIdentity, given as defined in grid below (table 5.7.2-4 in spec)
- TrackingAreaCode, given as defined in grid below (table 5.7.2-4 in spec)
The following RequestValue FormatTypes (see ETSI TS 103 120 clause are defined (which are not otherwise defined outside 33.128).
Format Owner | Format Name | Description | Format |
3GPP | SUCI | Subscription Concealed Identifier as per TS 23.003 clause 2.2B. | TS 29.509 clause |
3GPP | 5GSTMSI | Shortened form of the 5G-GUTI as defined in TS 23.003 clause 2.11.
Given as a hyphen-separated concatenation of:
Matches regular expression:
3GPP | 5GGUTI | As defined in TS 23.003 clause 2.10. Given as a hyphen separated concatenation of:
Matches regular expression:
3GPP | NRCellIdentity | NR Cell ID (NCI), as defined in TS 23.003 clause 19.6A | TS 29.571 clause 5.4.2 |
3GPP | TrackingAreaCode | Tracking area code as defined in TS 23.003 clause | TS 29.571 clause 5.4.2 | Response structure
The LI_HIQR request is used to generate a request to the ICF over LI_XQR (see clause 5.8). The response received over LI_XQR is then transformed into an LI_HIQR response.
LI_HIQR responses and updates are represented as XML following the IdentityResponseDetails type definition (see Annex E).
Responses and updates are delivered within a DELIVER Request (see ETSI TS 103 120 clause 6.4.10) containing a DeliveryObject (see ETSI TS 103 120 clause 10).
IdentityResponseDetails contain IdentityAssociation records. The fields of each IdentityAssociationRecord shall be set as follows:
Field | Value | M/C/O |
SUPI | SUPI associated with the provided identity. | M |
SUCI | SUCI associated with the provided identity, if available. | C |
5G-GUTI | 5G GUTI associated with the provided identity, provided in the form given in the request (see table 5.7.2-4). | M |
PEI | PEI associated with the provided identity during the association period, if known. | C |
AssociationStartTime | The time that the association between the SUPI and the temporary identity became valid. (see NOTE). | M |
AssociationEndTime | The time that the association between the SUPI and the temporary identity ceased to be valid. Shall be omitted if the association is still valid (see NOTE). | C |
FiveGSTAIList | List of tracking areas associated with the registration area within which the UE was or is registered in the lifetime of the reported association, if available. See clause for details. | C |
GPSI | GPSI associated with the provided identity during the association period, if known. | C |
- NOTE: The AssociationStartTime and AssociationEndTime represent the lifespan of the SUPI to 5G-GUTI association. When a SUCI is present, the AssociationStartTime also represents the time of the SUCI's validity.
If no association is found which matches the criteria provided in the LI_XQR request, then the LI_XQR response contains zero IdentityAssociationRecords. Similarly, the LI_HIQR response contains zero IdentityAssociationRecords.
For responses or updates providing a currently valid SUPI to 5G-GUTI identity association, the AssociationEndTime shall be absent. The AssociationStartTime shall indicate when the 5G-GUTI became associated with the SUPI. The SUCI field shall be populated if it was present in the IEF record for the association (see clause 6.2.2A.2.1). The PEI and TAI List fields may be populated as well, see clause for details.
In the case of ongoing updates, the presence of the AssociationEndTime indicates the SUPI to 5G-GUTI identity disassociation. Such updates shall only happen when no new association is replacing the outgoing one.
The DeliveryObject Reference field (see ETSI TS 103 120 clause 10.2.1) shall be set to the Reference of the LDTaskObject used in the request, to provide correlation between request and response. The DeliveryID, SequenceNumber and LastSequence fields shall be set according to ETSI TS 103 120 clause 10.2.1.
The content manifest (see ETSI TS 103 120 clause 10.2.2) shall be set to indicate the present document, using the following Specification Dictionary extension.
Dictionary Owner | Dictionary Name |
3GPP | ManifestSpecification. |
Value | Meaning |
LIHIQRResponse | The delivery contains IdentityResponseDetails (see Annex E) |