My ETSI TS 103 120 Notes

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My notes on ETSI TS 103 120 document titled Lawful Interception (LI); Interface for warrant information.

103 120 Scope

ETSI TS 103 120 document defines an electronic interface between two systems for the exchange of information relating to the establishment and management of lawful required action, typically Lawful Interception. Typically this interface would be used between: on one side, a Communications Service Provider; and, on the other side, a Government or Law Enforcement Agency who is entitled to request a lawful action.

The ETSI reference model for LI (ETSI TS 102 232-1) defines three interfaces between law enforcement and CSPs, called HI-1, HI-2 and HI-3. The protocol defined in 103 120 document is designed to provide a large part of the functionality for HI-1. It is not designed to be used for HI-2 (delivery of intercept related information) or HI-3 (delivery of communications content). The protocol designed in 103 120 document may also be used for interfaces which require structured exchange of information relating to the establishment and management of Lawful Interception. The general view is that the HI-1 concept can also be used for other legal actions than LI. For that reason the present document could, besides LI, also be applied for retained data requests, seized data requests, data preservation orders and other similar legal requests

See specification for full details.

To My 33.128 Notes