My ETSI HI via IP based network notes
ETSI 102.232-1
A.2 ASN.1 specification notes
LI-PS-PDU {itu-t(0) identified-organization(4) etsi(0) securityDomain(2) lawfulIntercept(2) li-ps(5) genHeader(1) version30(30)}
-- from ETSI TS 101 671 IRI-Parameters, IRIsContent, Location, Network-Element-Identifier FROM HI2Operations {itu-t(0) identified-organization(4) etsi(0) securityDomain(2) lawfulIntercept(2) hi2(1) version17(17)} -- from ETSI TS 101 671
-- from ETSI TS 102 232-5 IPMMCC, IPMMIRI FROM IPMultimediaPDU {itu-t(0) identified-organization(4) etsi(0) securityDomain(2) lawfulIntercept(2) li-ps(5) iPMultimedia(5) version10(10)} -- from ETSI TS 102 232-6
PS-PDU ::= SEQUENCE { pSHeader [1] PSHeader, payload [2] Payload }
PSHeader ::= SEQUENCE { li-psDomainId [0] OBJECT IDENTIFIER, lawfulInterceptionIdentifier [1] LawfulInterceptionIdentifier, -- As of ASN.1 version 26 this parameter is included from ETSI TS 103 280 [44] authorizationCountryCode [2] PrintableString (SIZE (2)) OPTIONAL, -- see clause 5.2.3 communicationIdentifier [3] CommunicationIdentifier, sequenceNumber [4] INTEGER (0..4294967295), timeStamp [5] GeneralizedTime OPTIONAL, -- see clause 5.2.6 ..., interceptionPointID [6] PrintableString (SIZE (1..8)) OPTIONAL, -- see clause 5.2.11 microSecondTimeStamp [7] MicroSecondTimeStamp OPTIONAL, timeStampQualifier [8] TimeStampQualifier OPTIONAL }
Payload ::= CHOICE { iRIPayloadSequence [0] SEQUENCE OF IRIPayload, cCPayloadSequence [1] SEQUENCE OF CCPayload, -- Clause 6.2.3 explains how to include more than one payload in the same PDU tRIPayload [2] TRIPayload, ..., hI1-Operation [3] HI1-Operation, encryptionContainer [4] EncryptionContainer, threeGPP-HI1-Operation [5] ThreeGPP-HI1-Operation, -- This structure may be functionally redundant with hI1-Operation from ETSI TS 101 671 iLHIPayload [6] SEQUENCE OF ILHIPayload, -- For typical use cases see ETSI TS 103 462 hI4Payload [7] SEQUENCE OF HI4Payload }
CommunicationIdentifier ::= SEQUENCE { networkIdentifier [0] NetworkIdentifier, communicationIdentityNumber [1] INTEGER (0..4294967295) OPTIONAL, -- in case of transport of HI1 messages not required -- Mandatory for CC and IRI, with certain exceptions (see clause 5.2.4) deliveryCountryCode [2] PrintableString (SIZE (2)) OPTIONAL, -- see clause 5.2.4 ..., cINExtension [3] CorrelationValues OPTIONAL -- To be used when a single INTEGER is not sufficient to identify -- a particular session (see clause 5.2.4) }
IRIPayload ::= SEQUENCE { iRIType [0] IRIType OPTIONAL, -- See clause 5.2.10 timeStamp [1] GeneralizedTime OPTIONAL, -- For aggregated payloads (see clause 6.2.3) iRIContents [2] IRIContents, ..., microSecondTimeStamp [3] MicroSecondTimeStamp OPTIONAL, -- For aggregated payloads (see clause 6.2.3) timeStampQualifier [4] TimeStampQualifier OPTIONAL, sessionDirection [5] PayloadDirection OPTIONAL, -- If the sessionDirection field is to be used for a given service then -- the exact meaning and use of the field will be described in the -- relevant service-specific details payloadDirection [6] PayloadDirection OPTIONAL -- If the payloadDirection field is to be used for a given service then -- the exact meaning and use of the field will be described in the -- relevant service-specific details }
IRIContents ::= CHOICE -- Any of these choices may be commented out if they are not being used (see clause A.3) { emailIRI [1] EmailIRI, iPIRI [2] IPIRI, iPIRIOnly [3] IPIRIOnly, uMTSIRI [4] UMTSIRI, eTSI671IRI [5] ETSI671IRI, ..., l2IRI [6] L2IRI, l2IRIOnly [7] L2IRIOnly, tARGETACTIVITYMONITOR-1 [8] TS101909201.TARGETACTIVITYMONITOR-1, tARGETACTIVITYMONITOR-2 [9] TS101909202.TARGETACTIVITYMONITOR, pstnIsdnIRI [10] PstnIsdnIRI, iPMMIRI [11] IPMMIRI, lAESProtocol [12] Laesp-j-std-025-b.LAESProtocol, cDMA2000LAESMessage [13] CDMA2000CIIModule.CDMA2000LAESMessage, messagingIRI [14] MessagingIRI, ePSIRI [15] EPSIRI, confIRI [16] ConfIRI, proseIRI [17] ProSeIRI, gcseIRI [18] GcseIRI, threeGPP33128DefinedIRI [19] OCTET STRING }
Source: ETSI TS 102 232-5 V3.12.1 (2020-08)
IPMMIRI ::= SEQUENCE { iPMMIRIObjId [0] RELATIVE-OID, iPMMIRIContents [1] IPIRIContents, ..., targetLocation [2] Location OPTIONAL, -- This common parameter is defined in ETSI TS 102 232-1 [2], the use of this parameter is described in clause 5.2.3 additionalSignalling [3] SEQUENCE OF AdditionalSignalling OPTIONAL -- The use of this parameter is defined in clause 5.2.5 }
Source: ETSI TS 102 232-5 V3.12.1 (2020-08)
IPIRIContents ::= CHOICE { originalIPMMMessage [0] OCTET STRING, -- Copy of the IP MM signalling packet including the original IP and UDP/TCP headers sIPMessage [1] SIPMessage, -- Copy of the SIP content and the source and destination IP address h323Message [2] H323Message, -- Copy of the H.323 content and the source and destination IP address ..., nationalIPMMIRIParameters [3] NationalIPMMIRIParameters, -- This parameter is used according to national regulations -- This parameter shall be delivered as an IRI-Report-record xCAPMessage [4] OCTET STRING, -- Copy of the XCAP message including all HTTP headers and contents iRIOnlyOriginalIPMMMessage [5] OCTET STRING, -- Copy of the IP MM signalling packet including the original IP and UDP/TCP headers -- see clause 5.2.6. iRIOnlySIPMessage [6] SIPMessage -- Copy of the SIP content and the source and destination IP address -- see clause 5.2.6. }
CCPayload ::= SEQUENCE { payloadDirection [0] PayloadDirection OPTIONAL, timeStamp [1] GeneralizedTime OPTIONAL, -- For aggregated payloads (see clause 6.2.3) cCContents [2] CCContents, ..., microSecondTimeStamp [3] MicroSecondTimeStamp OPTIONAL, -- For aggregated payloads (see clause 6.2.3) timeStampQualifier [4] TimeStampQualifier OPTIONAL }
CCContents ::= CHOICE -- Any of these choices may be commented out if they are not being used, see clause A.3 { emailCC [1] EmailCC, iPCC [2] IPCC, uMTSCC [4] OCTET STRING, ..., l2CC [6] L2CC, tTRAFFIC-1 [7] TS101909201.TTRAFFIC, cTTRAFFIC-1 [8] TS101909201.CTTRAFFIC, tTRAFFIC-2 [9] TS101909202.TTRAFFIC, cTTRAFFIC-2 [10] TS101909202.CTTRAFFIC, pstnIsdnCC [11] PstnIsdnCC, iPMMCC [12] IPMMCC, cCIPPacketHeader [13] CDMA2000CCModule.CCIPPacketHeader, messagingCC [14] MessagingCC, ePSCC [15] OCTET STRING, uMTSCC-CC-PDU [16] Umts-HI3-PS.CC-PDU, ePSCC-CC-PDU [17] Eps-HI3-PS.CC-PDU, messagingMMCC [18] MessagingMMCC, confCC-CC-PDU [19] CONF-HI3-IMS.Conf-CC-PDU, voipCC-CC-PDU [20] VoIP-HI3-IMS.Voip-CC-PDU, gcseCC-CC-PDU [21] GCSE-HI3.Gcse-CC-PDU, cSvoice-CC-PDU [22] CSvoice-HI3-IP.CSvoice-CC-PDU, threeGPP33128DefinedCC [23] OCTET STRING }