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See Nginx on Wikipedia.

My Nginx notes is a web server which can also be used as a reverse proxy, load balancer, mail proxy and HTTP cache.


See Node.js on Wikipedia.

My Node.js notes


My Apache notes


My Ubuntu notes

Other software

Open Source Software

Profantasy Software brings you everything you need to create great maps for your games. There are symbols and tools for overland maps from all ages, buildings, floorplans, heraldry and many other uses. We help you create more and better maps, more quickly, than any comparable software.


Filezilla section

PHP section

Vi section

My GIMP notes

BASH shell section

VSFTP Section

Graphic Software

Software version control

TechSmith Software makers of SnagIt, Camtasia Studio, Jing, and more.

My notes on White Board Applications

DbSchema for db planning

wiki notes

To Computing